Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tidal love

If there's any one person who has had experienced the worst in love, I'm pretty sure I am one of them. Throughout my life, I have taken a number of views on love. I had ventured into a lot of things just to try to understand love. But this, until I found out that it is almost impossible for a person to fully understand love as its complexity is beyond our predictability. Earlier, I used to think of a relationship as something that can be consistently and consciously controlled to work smoothly in the direction that we favour. However, experiences have taught me that it does not always work that way. There's always some bumpy roads along the way. As for now, I have come to understand of love and relationship as something that is so close to nature, in which it closely reflects the nature itself. Love is like tides. It always change unpredictably, in which sometimes without prior sign nor warning. This is equally the same to a relationship. Sometimes it feels like to be in a successful relationship is as difficult as sailing a boat in the ocean. To get it moving in the right direction, it involves many uncontrollable factors which can alter directly the direction of the wind and indirectly the direction to where the boat is moving. In most cases, a sailor has to wait for the wind to blow to get the boat moving, but the wind does not necessarily all the time blow in favour to the sailor's wish.In such cases, the only thing the sailor can do is to keep waiting patiently hoping that the temperature will change so that the wind will blow and move the boat into its prefered destination. Similarly, in a relationship, especially a long relationship, we often take some time off just to relax our mind after an occurence of a conflict in the relationship. Some of us even used the time to cool themselves as well as to reflect upon themselves. I always feel that reflecting upon our own self is a vital necessity in a relationship. It helps us to become concious of our own flaws in the relationship and determine the best strategies to tackle the problems that arise. Also, at some points in everyone's relationship, there will be a time where we are obliged to make an important decision regarding the relationship, our partner as well as ourselves. This is like when the sailor decide to row the boat closer to the shore while waiting for the wind to come back, instead of just merely waiting for the winds to blow again. Imagine if the sailor do not row and the wind is never back, he will never make it to the shore. Similarly, in a relationship, when the time come for a decision to be made, it has to be made regardless and running away from the problem is certainly not going to help. The only thing it will help is to make the problem becomes worst. Thus, it is more worth to take the challenge and fight the problem in order to save the relationship.

P.S. A thousand thanks to my mon cheri Jeremy for the efforts in looking for the picture as well as the title for this post.Your love will always light my inspiration.bisous.


ramyah said...

I wonder what was in ur mind when u set out to write this post. But still, it sounds very matured and good luck for your journey and best wishes to overcome the tides;p

Daniel Ali said...

I have no idea too what is lingering in your mind. Well, I can't say much. I am in and out of relationship and I fall in love with the wrong person and someone fall in love with me and I don't really like the person. Love is very hard to define. I'm not in a relationship at the moment to tell you the truth cause it's stupid. I feel so at least. It's totally absurd and beyond my comprehension. What I'm doing now is just go with the flow, follow the wind where ever it takes you. I'm sure I'm destined to be somewhere and with someone. I don't want to think about it too much now and I'm just hoping for the best for my future. What we can do now is just bersyukur dengan apa yang ada buat setakat ini, then we'll be happy! :)

-LyS- said...

this writing of yours is absolutely lovely ;)

Jeremy said...

Your writing are lovely as usual! You right. Love is complicated, even an expert sailor can be taken away by the ocean. Struggle against stream is tiring and useless, the best thing to do is to learn how to sail with it, feel it, let things happen, wait for the wind to blow again, take it as it comes.... whatever time it takes, there is always a destination for everyone. ;)

Auggydaley said...

hey good entry.good analogy of equating love to tides. have faith and keep the waves going. all the best for your love story..... avec quelq'un haha.

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