Monday, January 18, 2010

God of The Small Things

This is one of my all time favourite. It explores many issues at the same time, exposing the wonder of how small things in someone's life can add up and affect the person life badly and in an unexpected way. One of the main issues that become the back bone of the story is discrimination based on social class or hierachy. It narrates how dreadful and painful life is for a person who is born in the low social class or caste. The story is set to be in Ayemenem, Kerala India. It is mainly being organised around many events that occur in a two-egg twins, Esthappen and Rahel's life and in the life of  people who are closely related to them like their family and friends. Some misfortunes which are related to death, love  not returned and love between caste have been exquisitely explored in an amusing and tragic ways to add spices and give life to the story. Enough said, the story is worth reading!!


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